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Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm Back

What's the deal america? I'm chillin just got home from work? Man i must say this was a pretty good valentines day. God blessed me with the finances to get a gift for all of my ladies today. Now before you haters start calling me a hypocrite cause what you just got from that sentence was that god made me a pimp. I bought a gift for my mom, Mrs. P, and my two lil girls. so I thought that was pretty sweet. Mrs. P got me a sweet watch to replace the first sweet watch that she got me that I lost a few months ago. I'm still hurting from losing that watch but this is kinda like when your mom accidentally runs over your dog but turns around and buys you another one. I mean this new one is pretty f-ing tight, but there's still a place in my heart for "old yeller". Its funny how some people celebrate their valentines days. I am pretty tired of typing the whole word valentine but i hate saying v-day. V-day sounds like a tragic event is about to happen like the end of the world or your girlfriend tells you her period is late, or popeyes ran out of chicken. So I heard a women say today her husband never buys her anything for valentines day, but she alawys buys him stuff. The real question here is does he have the cure for cancer? Obviously this man is a genius because if he can pull that off and still be married he 's ten times smarter than me. (only ten times) But her explaination was that their first valentines day he was sick and by the time the second valentines day came around they were engaged so they had to save money for the wedding and ever since she hasn't recieved a gift. Fellas I'll tell you what whoever that guy is, he is the official michael jordan of relationships because twice in a row he took an ill advised shot but he still ended up scoring. And now time for the disclaimer for Mrs. P "the views expressed buy Mr. P on do not directly reflect the views of Mr. P in the our relationship. Its just that he is a guy and real guys know real guys." Speaking of real guys what is going on with this sudden demand for male cosmetics? I really don't get it. Man Purses, man makeup? Man please! Are you freaking kidding me? Forget bald eagles, real men are an endangered species and people you know what I'm talking bout. If I offend you I'll just say I'm sorry with a smile. My goal here is to never try to purposely offend anybody, but I'm american and obviously we are know to let loose friendly fire. But seriously what country is going to respect us. Middle Easterners are probably like "yeah we hold hands, but yall wear mascara." The men of this country need to become spartans again. Spartans defended their country, pleased their women and raised their kids. Instead I see alot of those persian type dudes from the movie. you know the ones, taking xo's and feeling other dudes and women. Man for real I know its valentines day but I needed to get that off my chest. It just saddens me when i hear statistics on the radio like black women make up 75% of hiv postive people in houston! Man thats sad, so sad that you got to be like it can't be that high. But then you start thinking shiiiit these dudes going to jail fucking with other dudes and then coming home to his girl thinking he can quit cold turkey. But from what I see on Oprah and Ricki Lake these dlb's (down low brothers for those that don't know) apparently have a mind state of and I quote "Shit I aint gay I just sometime like to have a another man give me head." WHAT?! Man you couldn't be gayer if your name was Gayle Gayman. I'm saying that to say this I'm not bashing gay people but these dudes are heavy contributers to that 75% that is making Black women look like whores unjustly. Man I love my people but we got to do better. Well let me close church cause I'm rambling so keep it 100.


Anonymous said...

Gayer than Gayle Gayman. F'n hilarious. Good one.

Anonymous said...

Yo, what up? It's your boy Mr. E again. That was some good sh#t. I liked the line about V-day especially. Where did you come up with that one? Sh#t, I guess the writers strike is over. Mr. E doesn't need any cred though, he just lurks in the shadows ready to lend a helping hand when needed, kinda like Gollum in Lord of the Rings. I feel what your saying about men being men too, and hell yes the spartans were some bad mutha f#ckers. But they might not be the best example to use in your argument because when they got bored inbetween battles and in camp, they would f&ck each other. They also wrestled naked. It's true, look it up. I guess you could say that when they weren't busy stabbing persians through the chest, they were busy stabbing each other in the ass. But a badder mutha f#cka never walked the face of the's a paradox.

smoothie said...

i'll put it out there,
givin the FACT tat Vday falls on a thursday, i dont celebrate it with the wife till friday..(her idea) flowers are cheaper, resteraunts arent packed, and big homie can get a HUGE discount on chocolate...(i love it like crackheads like coke)