You know what I just figured out I have been guilty of something. I hear alot of people say that the majority of Barack supporters are voting with their heart not their heads. Mrs. P told me that I was voting with my heart but I thought she was just a hater. Although now I see what she meant, I still haven't change my stance. I still back Barack but not because he's black, but because in my heart I beleive that he can bring change. I'm not the most politically informed induvidual, so off top alot of people would dismiss my arguement. But I'll share why I believe in Barack. Simply put its his buzz. I know that may sound shallow but there is a method to my madness. He for the first time has black people wanting to vote. No one, in my time and I'm only 28, has got so many black people interested in voting. Hell they even tried to use hip hop to get us out there remember "rock the vote"? Well that didn't have any weight until it became Barack the vote. I consider myself a voice of the people. The people who aren't politically informed, who have never voted, who before this year could careless. The people who feel that its no use voting because in the end the "white man controls everything". Before anyone trips I'm not a racist or conspiritor but a product of generations of black people that in some way have experienced some racism and/or prejudice in their lifetime. Whether it's from police, employers, coaches, teachers etc.... Injustice can make a person feel helpless. These black people that I speak have built up such a hate and fear of injustice that it creates a live for today mentality. I'm ramblin off to say this Barack got me interested. Not only me but a bunch of people who may not agree on alot of things in general. Although there are different views on life in this country, I think everyone agrees it needs to get better because its slowly getting worse. Barack is that common ground that brings black and white democrats and some republicans together. Thats my who the Audacity of Hope speaks to. We now have the audacity to go into this election with hope even if thats all we have because that hope translates into votes.
Mr. P
Mr. P
Mr. P
I can rattle off 5 names that voted for the very first time this year...And not b/c they finally were legally able to do so, (these people are my age 30) but they saw sometihng they thought theyd never see...A sure bonafied difference maker..Who just happens to wake up in the morning and see the same black skin they see ...
its definetly a great thing to know that our people are positive about change..I just want them to realize that getting him nominated, and gettin him in the white house are 2 totally different things..and, that he's not obliglated to his base once he foes win... he's got to figure out a way to lower gas prices, balance the budget, and bring troops home...
blackfolk might have to settle for the win, and put the victory party on hold for awhile...
I also support B.O. It's nice to see more people coming around to my point of view about this subject. For a long time, people looked at me funny just because I sang the praises of B.O., now they're all just the chorus to my lead vocals. I guess I'm just a visionary, but I've been saying for a long time that this is a free country, and it is the right of every individual to choose B.O. over showering.
Mr. P, I like how you described the 'buzz' for Barack, and how support for his campaign is fueled simply by the excitement surrounding it. I think that people are excited because he is very inteligent, charasmatic, and a great speaker--qualities that are vital for any leader, let alone the president. Also, his message is one people can relate to. The crazy thing is that these very qualities are what his oponents are trying to say are what make him unqualified. It's f*&kin stupid, but politics are 90% bullsh*t anyway. All I look for in presidential candidate is they're oratory skill (because they have to be able to motivate the people), they're inteligence, and they're straightforwardness. I believe in rule by the wisest, someone with less experience CAN be more qualified than someone with more, it happens all the time in everything. So I'll just finish this up with what Tracy Morgan said on Saturday Night Live tonight: "I wanna know what makes Hillary qualified to be the next president. Is because she was married to the president? If that were the case than Robin Givens would be the Heavy Weight Champion of the World."
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